Sex in the City=Beer in the Belly

From one of the great minds of our generation comes ...

Quoth John Nijhawan:

"I suggest you follow my lead and turn this idea into a national movement.

I think it's wise to organize a massive "dude's night out" full of debauchery to coincide with the release of Sex in the City. Every woman and her sister is going to be at that nonsense & therefore all men are off the leash...

If you are accounted for, I think it wise to be stone cold sober when she disembarks for the movie & in the 3 hours she's gone get the drunkest she'll ever see you & COMPLETELY kill her high, thus bringing her back to earth w/ a healthy dose of reality + reminder of who's really boss.

It comes out next Friday, May 30th."

Mercy is For Girl-Babies

I got published!! I know... I'm so excited. The following excerpt is reprinted from AthensGa.Craigslist.Org

athensga>personals>missed connections

Angry hottie at Piggly Wiggly-(Athens, GA)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-05-24, 1:39AM EDT

The tips of your hair was magenta. Your jeans were skin tight and low... too low for a thick-legged woman like you.
I was walking out of the Piggly Wiggly on North Avenue. Almost to the car, I turned when I heard you scream. A man was walking with you, holding a bag of potato chips.
YOU SO STUPID!! you screamed as you swung at him.
He dodged and slid to his right, your fingernails coming thiiiiis close to scratching his face.
He shuffled for a few steps and regained his composure. The look on your face was as angry as I've ever seen a face.
Will you make me the happiest man in the world... and marry me today?

Location: North Avenue
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 693012847

"GV: Everytime I laugh, I cry" Or, The Moneyfolder

We're going to call him "Burrido."

Ol' Burrido went through an entire roll of toilet paper today. It seems that something is wrong with his belly. My guess is the problem is related to the gallon of whiskey he poured in there on Friday and Saturday night.
Yep, we sure Did It Up this weekend. Same ol' stuff - just a couple of veterans putting on the old jerseys one more time.